Friday night, I went to a dinner party at the Art Director’s club. It was really the afterparty for The Feast Conference. I could not attend but followed it via livestreaming all day. The theme for the dinner was fall.
There was lots of yummy food by local purveyors. Really good fish, bread, cheeses and, served inside those tiny orange pumpkins, the best pumpkin soup I’ve ever had.
There was banjos, laughs and dancing.
And a pretty Mezcal table.
The people who had donated the food were very excited to talk about it, none more so that the wine guys, who jumped up onto a table.
Each table had colored pencils, for brainstorming worldchanging ideas. We did mostly girly doodles, but who says love can’t change the world?
At ten, it was time to go home. All week, I had waited for the moment when I would be home, in my bed, knowing I could just sleep in and not have to get up early the next morning. It was divine.